GBU Florence

Tempo di lettura: 1 minuto

It was an encouraging start to the year for GBU Florence, which saw many students leave but many new faces join, where we were compelled to manage relations and share the Gospel remotely.

We give thanks for the stimulating conversations and outreach opportunities had around the local universities and libraries for the “winter meets”, a series of meetings for the group on how and why to read the Bible.

Even though we we not able to do our well-known Winter Camp, we were able to hold a joint “winter breakfast” with GBU Bologna and GBU Modena, where there was a sharing time and a time for testimonies and games, as well as the training. We are grateful to be able to start up weekly Bible studies again on the quite topical subject of the unjust, shameful, lonely death of Jesus.

It has been wonderful to see familiar faces again in our recent meetings, to be able to share the hope and gospel message clearly, and to acknowledge how many group members have grown in knowledge and experience, and despite being scattered around the world, have continued to support the group in prayer and with exhortations and love. Truly priceless.

We are aware of needing God’s guidance and wisdom over the coming months. It is not easy to keep up with people, making new contacts and reaching new students in this era of social distancing. It is not easy to find the enthusiasm and creativity to keep up the activities.

Therefore we are asking for prayer support,

  • that God would help us deepen our friendships with believers and non-believers,
  • renew a deep love in our hearts for the students in Florence
  • and give us fervour to make Jesus known among the people He has put around us at this particular time.
