GBU Siena

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This year GBU Siena has seen God’s goodness. The group has experienced an unexpected growth, which has allowed us to have a great re-inauguration of meeting in person after a long period of online activities. We used October to consolidate our new group of Christians, to then begin an outreach event at the start of November. We’re now continuing our series of Bible studies on the “I am” of Jesus.

  • We thank the Lord for the new Christian students He has sent to Siena, and for the unity we’re building among us. This is an answer to one of the prayer points we shared in the spring.
  • We thank God that our “AperInternational” event (in the photo) was successful and well attended. It was also encouraging to see non-Christian students come along, thanks to the posters put up in the University. We’re grateful to God for the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
  • We also give thanks for the attendance at our Bible studies, where we’ve seen many students come back after the event, as well as new ones.
  • for the new students, that they’d come to know Jesus personally, that we’d see their lives transformed by Him;
  • that the GBU would be better known at the University in order that more students are reached with the Gospel.
  • having mostly international students, we’re asking for prayer for wisdom in how to manage a bilingual group so that everyone can feel included.
  • for the Christian students, that we’d keep growing in unity and in our knowledge of Christ. That this would spur us on to be more passionate about sharing the Gospel with other students. Also pray for wisdom in planning the next term.
