Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

GBU Castelfranco will try to start up from scratch again this year, in the Castelfranco Veneto Conservatory. This choice was made because the group had been made up entirely of young adults from the Conservatory, who were not students, with the exception of the group coordinator, the only one who was studying there. The decision was therefore to continue with the group made up of young people as an autonomous group, and to try to form a new GBU group, which would reach students in Castelfranco Conservatory.

The prayer request is therefore that with God’s help, the group coordinator would manage to find new students to read the Bible with.
Meanwhile, we thank the Lord for the work completed by Him in these three years of GBU Castelfranco, for having brought together many believers and non-believers to read the Word of God, forming new friendships and connections, and sowing seeds of truth in the hearts of many.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

We’re grateful to God for the possibility of meeting online weekly to read the Word of God and for being able to have a space to meet in person once a month, offered by a family.

  • We’ve felt there has been less participation and involvement in the group in recent times. We’re asking for prayer that, despite all our personal commitments, we will continue to be a group, greatly enthusiastic about wanting to share the Word of God with others and that we’d always be purposeful about reaching more and more people.
  • Please pray that we coordinators would be wise in suggesting the right passages to study with our group, and that we’d be dedicated about being involved in this ministry, despite our personal commitments.
  • Soon, we’d like to arrange a meeting with a missionary and pastor who can share with us their testimony of missionary life. We’d like prayer that God would guide us in arranging this event and that it would spur us all on to share the Gospel more actively.
  • We’d like prayer to get new students from the Castelfranco Conservatory involved. The group is currently made up predominately of students from other universities.
Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

GBU Castelfranco was formed last year and has only been operating online due to the pandemic, but despite this we’ve seen God show us over the year that He’s able to do much more than we ask for or think about. Indeed, by continually involving new students, we’ve seen the group grow with active members who always want to be involved. In many situations, the Word of God has touched the hearts of student- believers and non-believers.

Let’s thank God for being able to carry out some meetings in person this year, allowing us to become a tighter knit group. Our aim is to continue holding meetings online, since some students live far away (even abroad), but to hold one monthly meeting in person.

One of the GBU group members who studies at the University of Trento is being allowed to start a new GBU group at his university, so let’s thank God for this granting this opportunity.


This year, various students who were in the group, non-believers too, have told us they can’t come to meetings very often due to other commitments. Please pray they would feel called by God’s Word to come back and take an active part in meetings.

Pray we’d manage to involve new non-believer students from the conservatory, that we’d be able to share the Word of God with them and form new friendships.

Pray we’d manage to make all of those who take part in our meetings feel welcome and be ready to respond to their doubts and questions with wisdom and love, guiding them in revealing the Word of God. Pray that they would always find a welcoming environment, where they can express themselves without fearing anything.

Pray that God would gift us coordinators with awareness of the spiritual needs of those involved in the meetings so that we can share with them what God wants them to receive from His Word.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto
  • The Castelfranco group started up last autumn and had to start online because of the pandemic. However, despite the difficulty we had in making ourselves known and forming new relationships with the students, we managed to invite along various non-believer friends who are now coming to our meetings regularly, enabling a wonderful exchange of ideas;
  • we have started meeting online twice a week to allow everyone to participate, and although it has meant more work, people always join us;
  • as group coordinators we have formed a wonderful relationship which helps give us mutual support, strengthen our faith and continue serving with greater enthusiasm, more ideas and more collaboration.
  • managing to help non-believers who join the meetings feel welcomed, and feeling prepared to answer their queries and questions lovingly, guiding them in the discussion;
  • finding the right activities to involve participants in, despite the restrictions which mean that most activities have to take place online;
  • managing to reach other students, form friendships with them and having the opportunity to look at the Word together, welcoming every opportunity for testimony.
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

In Castelfranco, in the small conservatory where we are meeting, a new academic year is about to begin as is a new GBU group!

It’s an uncertain year ahead, but we’re grateful that together, despite there being few of us, we’re motivated to see how to get organised as best we can without allowing the hard situation to stop us and begin this new adventure with the aim of bringing God glory even in the midst of these circumstances.

We’re asking for prayer for:

  • wisdom to understand how best to get going and get the studies and activities going
  • strengthening relations between us as group members when we still don’t know each other well
  • reaching new students despite the various restrictions.

That God would continue to use us as tools to bring His Word, even when we are confronted with many limitations, and touch the hearts of many students who do not yet know Him!