GBU Padua

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In October we started up again, needing to reform a group from virtually nothing, however, we are very grateful for how God enabled us to start up our Bible studies and prayer meetings. A few days ago we were able to present the GBU to other students at the University of Padua. God gave us two new students to welcome and talk to about what the GBU does. We’re very encouraged because God is providing a network of contacts for us through whom we can reach new people.
The students in our group are very motivated to share the Gospel with others and are rejoicing at the doors God is opening for them.


At the moment the group is made up entirely of students who already know God. We are praying to be able to reach other students and be able to start up conversations where the Gospel is shared.
We’re putting up posters on University notice boards and we’re trying to update our Instagram page with short videos, where we introduce the GBU and talk about our experiences with it. We’d also like to meet students one-on-one to talk to them. Let’s pray God would use these methods to bring people close to Him.
We need great wisdom as group coordinators to know which steps to take in the coming weeks and for which initiatives to undertake to best glorify God. As we’re continually evolving as a group, we evaluate the choices we make from time to time.
