GBU Pisa
Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti
We thank the Lord with all our heart for the encouraging answers to prayers and blessings that He gives us:
- we confirmed the reservation of a teaching room for the whole semester, in a very central area of Pisa which is convenient for most of the students. This allows us to prepare flyers, having certainty of the venue;
- the recent event on the topic of “Who is your #influencer” was very good and encouraging. We learned what works and what we could still improve on, and we thank Giovanni for his support! A sizeable group of students from the University halls of residence took part and are interested in future events too!
- Young adults interested in the Word of God have been also attending the weekly study on the book of Ruth, to whom we are able to witness;
- Thank the Lord for the connections in the group which are developing and deepening. We have increasingly more opportunities to spend time together as friends.
- Thank you for your prayers, for having sustained us this far! Thank you, and keep praying for GBU Pisa:
- We have thought out the next two GBU events, one on an historical subject and the other on a science-based one. Pray that God will guide us as we run it and inspire those who lead the reflection. The former will be the last event for this academic year, while the latter will be the first event for next year;
- We are trying to encourage all GBU members to take part in running events. We are praying that everyone would be more involved and for a deep conviction of the GBU’s mission;
- We are trying to include more and more students in events and in the weekly studies. We are praying that the Lord direct those who are seeking Him and that our witness will be effective!
- In relation to the last point, as a group we want to grow in our ability to talk about Jesus with our friends, colleagues and also with people we do not know. Our local staff worker (thanks Zach) is preparing material for one-to-one training on evangelism.
“May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”– Ruth 2:12