GBU Rome
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto
- During October and up until now, we have done inductive Bible studies on Ephesians 1, and we’re moving on to 1 Corinthians 15 in the main universities.
- We have arranged evening events for the international students, World Student Day, training and we have started a prayer project.
- In Roma Tre there’s a group that has restarted at the main site with new students and one-on-one outreach, which continues in the faculty of Education.
- There are also new student freshers at the Sapienza, both international, Erasmus and others.
- We are continuing to do Bible studies at Tor Vergata and outreach outings within the faculty.
- One of the main challenges is finding a time when everyone can meet and participate regularly.
- Moreover, we’re going to be holding other events (in particular one on Art and the Gospel on 25 November) and we will be dedicating whole days to going to speak to students. Please pray the Lord would show us the best way of approaching people and what to say to them, like inviting them to an event and how we can prepare physically and spiritually.
- That we ourselves would be courageous and would encourage others.