Manuel was born in 1999 in Rome. He came to know Christ as Savior and Lord at the age of 14, even though he was born and raised in an evangelical family.
He comes into contact with GBU in 2018 working as a GBU coordinator in the Tor Vergata University of Rome.
In 2020, he decided to abandon his studies in Civil Engineering to begin his studies at the Italian Evangelical Biblical Institute (IBEI), earning a Bachelor’s degree in Theology with a focus on Biblical Languages in 2023. His heart has always been sensitive to Mission, joyfully welcoming the opportunity to serve among university students, especially internationals in Rome.
He serves in the “Alpha Omega Christian Church” as the teenagers’ leader.
He loves reading, music, MARVEL superheroes, movies and TV series.
Tor Vergata
- We thank God for a good start back again. There are some new young believers who take part in our meetings, but more importantly, some non believers have started taking part! Some came along to events organised last year, others have always been invited to the Bible studies and this year they decided to come and have attended them regularly!
- Pray that compromises would be found over when to hold the studies and that God would cause us to expand on the campus.
Roma Tre
- This year the Roma Tre group kicked off again with a whole new group of students! In fact there wasn’t a group at the this university last year.
- Pray that it would continue to grow in numbers and that our young adults would have the courage to speak to their friends about Jesus so that they can invite them to the meetings.
La Sapienza
- The year started really well! At the first meeting we held of all the universities, there were 4 Colombian Erasmus student guests, and some of them still attend the Bible studies. We thank God that the weekly meetings have been well attended and that there has been a good rapport among us in the group. We had the World Student Day evening where we were very encouraged by seeing the broader view of universities in the world.
- In November we’ll have a “My Hope” evening, where we’ll watch the film with Billy Graham, “The Cross” together and we’ll invite our friends.
- Around mid December the GBU group in Rome will also put on The Mark Drama after a gap of some years! Pray the event will glorify God, lots of university friends will come and the whole organisation will go well.
- In March we’re doing an outreach week, and this isn’t easy when the campuses are so large and so distant from one another. Pray that new people would be reached over these days.
We began this new academic year in Roma Tre with some great blessings. God had brought a new staff member on board to work full time, who is helping us greatly in the organisational side of things and in keeping our involvement with the GBU constant. Moreover, new people and some new freshers have arrived in our group. Finally, various university specialisms have been brought together in the same centre and this has allowed the GBU group to be even more tight-knit and united in our university. However, this move also disorientated us a bit and so we are asking for prayer that we would find a better meeting place, which is hard to find within the new university. This year will also be the last year for us as co-ordinators (Alessandro and Debora) and so lastly we are asking for prayer that God would provide new co-ordinators who firmly believe in the GBU vision and would put in enthusiasm and dedication.
- We had an excellent outcome at the Re-Party event we held in the lecture hall to start off the academic year at GBU Rome. Some GBU members demonstrated their talents at this evening and we were able to welcome new students who did not know of the GBU.
- For having as many as four new students attend the Roma Tre group. They are young believers who actively take part in the studies. Making six different timetables synchronise to find an hour in the week when all of us were free to meet really did seem impossible, but we managed in the end.
- One of the young women who attends GBU Roma Tre will be bringing two non-believing girl friends to the next meeting. Pray that God will touch the hearts of these two young women and that He will guide the whole meeting.
- For the big event that GBU Rome is organising. 21 November will be an Open Day, an event where we will present the GBU to the churches in Rome, saying what it is and does. Pray that as many churches as possible attend and decide to support the GBU and encourage the young people in their churches to take part.
Gillian is from Australia but she grew up in Asia (Nepal and India). She has been living in Italy since 2014.
Growing up in a Christian family, she always knew that Jesus died and resurrected to save her from her sins. At the age of 10, she realized that Christianity wasn’t just a mere family tradition but a personal relationship with God open to anyone.
She graduated in Physiotherapy and Theology. During her university life in Australia, she attended AFES (the Australian GBU) and, before coming to Italy, she was working for an evangelical church in the University of Armidale in Australia.
She loves history, science, sport and being outdoors and is pleased with the opportunity to serve GBU while sharing the world’s most beautiful message: the work of Jesus has reconciled the world to God!