Thanks to God, we have had a fantastic kick off this year. Our enthusiasm to want to glorify God in this work, be light for Him at the universities and tools used by Him to save many souls is palpable!!!
- We thank and praise God that I have seen His hand at work in establishing this group from virtually nothing, which is now taking shape more and more, and becoming increasingly integrated.
- We thank and praise God because each one of us personally acknowledges a desire to fulfil the Great Commission at the universities, making disciples of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and especially wanting to pass on the good news of Jesus from student to student!
- Finally, we thank God for having put us together in this GBU group, giving us the honour of being able to honour Him through His Gospel message.
- For greater unity in the group.
- For God’s support in starting to include alongside the inductive Bible study, activities and events too.
- That the GBU will really catch on and spread throughout the whole of Catania.
- And lastly, that God would give me (I am speaking in the first person here, as group co-ordinator) more and more humility and wisdom to be able to coordinate the group in the best way, to also direct and motivate it with a passion for this evangelistic task, knowing that everything is done in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.