Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

At GBU Modena we’ve been pleased to start up again after the summer break.
We held an introductory evening to present the GBU where we showed people the first series of meetings we were planning to do.
The topic we’ll start reflecting on is “Where do we come from? Reading and discussion from the book of Genesis”, where we’ll focus on the first three chapters.
We’re thinking of suggesting a trip to the observatory of astronomy, to look at God’s marvellous creation as a way of rounding up this topic.


We thank God for His guidance and care. The Group is coming together and is becoming more united.
We have various ideas for the year.


We’re asking for prayer that new students would join us. A few came along from time to time last year. Let’s pray they’d be more regular this year.
We’re asking for prayer for the outreach event we’d like to hold on the meaning of Christmas towards the middle of December.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

In Modena, the GBU tried to start meeting up again despite the months of not doing so, but after a meeting in February, we had to suspend this temporarily due to our various commitments as coordinators. We then started up GBU meetings again at the end of March.

We’re continuing to use a themed approach, in fact, we’ve thought we’d start with the topic “Jesus’ miracles”, to highlight more clearly what He did and why, but above all who He is.

We therefore want to thank God for being able to start up activities in person again, after pausing for a while, and for the good atmosphere seen in the group.
We’re praying we’re able to keep up meeting regularly at this time, and we’re praying that after us, other coordinators would be raised up wanting to lead GBU Modena. We’re also praying about organising a flyer distribution / outreach event which we’re planning to do in the coming months.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

This year we have got a different idea about how to structure our program. We’d like to address various different subject matters during the studies. In years gone by, we have instead read through a book of the Bible from beginning to end, for example, Ecclesiates, John and Acts.

The first topic already covered was Friendship. It was interesting having a few meetings where we could concentrate on this subject matter, touching on the various sides to it.

Two girls joined in, which we are very grateful for. We’re also happy to have returned completely to in-person meetings.

Pray for the next subjects we cover, that the Lord will give us wisdom to choose well.
We’re asking for prayer that God would enable these new people to come along regularly and integrate. Finally, pray that we’d witness to our friends and course collegues.

Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

At GBU Modena we’ve decided to start meeting in person, carrying on from the Gospel of John again, thus looking at the Acts of the Apostles this year.

We started a few weeks ago. Nonetheless we immediately came up against a problem of rather sparse numbers of people. Sadly, some who came regularly last year have finished their courses while others aren’t able to be there regularly. Aside from this last hassle, we’ve still managed to hold the first meetings normally and we thank God for that.

Another thing to be grateful for is in reference to the invitation given to us by GBU Bologna, where on 3 November, we went to the University of Bologna territory to repeat the “survey” experience we’d already carried out at the Rome training. It was definitely an opportunity for us to question ourselves but also for the students there who were able to lesser or greater extent to hear about the GBU and the person of Jesus Christ. We want to repeat the experience of 24 November, and at GBU Modena we’re asking for prayer that it would yet again be a positive time and the Gospel would be spread.

We’re also asking for prayer that God would not only allow us to carry on meeting in person, but also enable new people to be added to the group and join us regularly.

Finally, we’re planning an outreach-style evening which will likely take place on 13 December, where we want to show the short film, “Altro Mare”, [“Other Sea”] which was shown in the training session, perhaps inviting along a member of the film production team to share their experience. With this in mind, we’re asking for prayer for good organisation of the evening and also that we would be able to use it to talk about Jesus to those who do not yet know Him fully.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

In GBU Modena we started up really raring to go this second year!

We held an introductory pizza evening combined with a short reflection on the subject “Were the gospels altered?” dealing with the topic of the New Testament reliability and giving out a copy of Josh McDowell’s “More than a Carpenter” to those who were interested.

From this perspective, we started studying the life of Jesus through the Gospel of John. So far, we have met together twice in someone’s home (taking the necessary precautions) and using a computer as well, so that the study could be followed online too.

  • Let’s thank the Lord because it was a wonderful experience. Sadly, from the next GBU meeting onwards, our meetings will be online only. This won’t lessen our enthusiasm for studying the Word together and sharing the knowledge of Jesus from student to student! In addition to studying John, we’re also planning to do games evenings or film evenings to vary the schedule.
  • We’re thankful to have a new female coordinator this year and some new members who are enthusiastically coming along.
  • We’re asking for prayer to be able to talk to friends and acquaintances and invite them along, to be able to do the GBU meetings every week and that we would always and in every case trust only in the Lord, whatever the circumstances.

Chris (English) and Elisabetta (Italian, from Trieste) have been serving GBU since December 2009. Between the both of them, they have attended universities in Cambridge, London, Goteborg (Sweden) and Belfast and are now very happy to be here in Italy in the same context, doing the most important thing one could ever do in a university: share the gospel of Jesus. They got married in 2002 and have two lovely children: Shona (2008) and Pietro (2010).