At GBU Modena we’ve been pleased to start up again after the summer break.
We held an introductory evening to present the GBU where we showed people the first series of meetings we were planning to do.
The topic we’ll start reflecting on is “Where do we come from? Reading and discussion from the book of Genesis”, where we’ll focus on the first three chapters.
We’re thinking of suggesting a trip to the observatory of astronomy, to look at God’s marvellous creation as a way of rounding up this topic.
We thank God for His guidance and care. The Group is coming together and is becoming more united.
We have various ideas for the year.
We’re asking for prayer that new students would join us. A few came along from time to time last year. Let’s pray they’d be more regular this year.
We’re asking for prayer for the outreach event we’d like to hold on the meaning of Christmas towards the middle of December.