Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

We continue to give thanks to God for how He provided when, humanly speaking, the outlook was very bleak. When we started out online last March, we had nothing to work with, yet God provided the support with His Word from brothers and sisters in Christ and a fresh, new participant. This year we’ve relived the very same experience; wanting to interrupt the online format, we no longer had a way to involve external help. However, wonderfully, God allowed an interested new student to come to Trento, and that was how we managed to start
up weekly meetings in person.
For now, three of us are meeting up (and God-willing, that will hopefully soon become four). Out of these, there’s a young chap in particular, who is still getting to know God, whose growth over the weeks has been far beyond what you could have humanly imagined. We’ve seen him speak of God’s truth with an open heart, full of the Holy Spirit.
We’ve also seen a beautiful atmosphere of collaboration with a current ministry in a local church working with international students. On many occasions God has used this network of contacts to bring new people into the various activities.


We are of course praying that God would speak to this young man’s heart as He chooses, urging him to get to know Him fully.
The group is still forming and of course starting up from nothing has its difficulties. We are increasingly aware of depending on God wholely for everything He’s wanting to do through the GBU.
We really would like to reach still more students at the University. Over the past weeks we have put up flyers on campus and we’re praying they would also be a means to spread the GBU voice and make ourselves known.
Over the next few weeks, we’d like to go into the Faculty to talk to the students we meet, share the Gospel and leave them invitations to the GBU meetings. Pray God would direct all aspects of this and bring people to Him in whatever way He chooses.
We’re praying God keep revealing to us more and more how fundamental humility is in serving Him. We really need to feel we will never get there and we mustn’t ever get stuck in a fixed routine, rather always keep our eyes fixed on who He is and what He is calling us to this day.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

The GBU in Urbino this year is a real group of ‘power girls’, as we call ourselves, because for now we are only girls, but we hope that the group can expand soon.

In these first two months we started with our meetings by studying together the second letter to Timothy, the girls began to familiarise themselves with the inductive method, enthusiastic about reading and sharing the Word of God together. I thank God for the perseverance we are having in meeting each week despite everyone’s commitments and various difficulties.

Last week a non-believing girl also came, in fact a subject of prayer is to grow and that by working together we can evangelise to this university city which is in such need since there is not even a church. It would be nice if new people could come, classmates of each of us, and that we can present the message of the Gospel.

In addition, together with the GBU of Siena we are organising the Winter Camp which God willing we will have on 4-5 March 2023.

I am certain that the Lord has great things planned for us!

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

We thank God for what He’s doing in the group. All the young adults are free to express their own opinions and they interact calmly during the studies.

  • We’re asking for prayer for the team of staff/coordinators/helpers, that they would be tight-knit and united, to influence the whole group to having the same attitude.
  • Pray we would all be able to talk about Christ and the the GBU more freely with our collegues.
  • In addition we’ll be having our Christmas party on 13 December and we hope it will be an occasion for reaching friends and colleagues.
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

This year we have got a different idea about how to structure our program. We’d like to address various different subject matters during the studies. In years gone by, we have instead read through a book of the Bible from beginning to end, for example, Ecclesiates, John and Acts.

The first topic already covered was Friendship. It was interesting having a few meetings where we could concentrate on this subject matter, touching on the various sides to it.

Two girls joined in, which we are very grateful for. We’re also happy to have returned completely to in-person meetings.

Pray for the next subjects we cover, that the Lord will give us wisdom to choose well.
We’re asking for prayer that God would enable these new people to come along regularly and integrate. Finally, pray that we’d witness to our friends and course collegues.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

We are Chiara and Gabriel, the coordinators of GBU Trieste.
To date, God has worked wonderfully in this town. After years of inertia, we’re starting our GBU activities up again in our University from zero with a group of around 15 believers. As the group began, many of the members thanked God for this, because they really felt the need to. We’ve already managed to hold 2
meetings, and we’re thanking God for how He is taking control of each thing.

We’d also like to ask for this fervour not to disipate and that we’d be more and more united among ourselves, such that the love among us is part of our witness in the University environment.

We’d also like pray that the Lord would open doors for the non-believer students and that they too would be involved in our meetings and be saved if this is in God’s plans.

Some while back we sent off all the documentation for the application for GBU Trieste to become a University Association, and God allowed this to happen, for this we’d like to thank Him. Shortly, the documents will also come out for requesting a set room in the University where we can meet. We really hope that these requests would also be followed through.

We thank you dearly for all the work you’re doing and thank you for helping us complete our mission.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

GBU Venice is in a phase of a new beginning, to the extent that those from previous years have graduated and no longer live in Venice. Our objective is to meet in person, but currently there are only two of us.

  • We thank the Lord for the collaboration with GBU Castelfranco who we meet up with in person once a month and with whom a wonderful atmosphere of brotherly/sisterly love has been established.
  • We thank the Lord for being able to run an event on 3 December with Chris and Lizzie Brown, where there will be a retreat in Mestre with all GBU groups from the three regions around Venice.

Our prayer is that the Lord would open the hearts of the students in Venice, that the posters on the notice boards or on Instagram arouse interest in people, and that friends and acquaintances are interested in joining in. Overall, we’re asking for wisdom in discerning the way of the Lord, being attentive to his voice and not being demoralised by circumstances.

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

GBU Messina would like to thank God for how He’s led us over these years and how He’ll continue to do so.

  • We thank God for the new young adults who have started coming along to our GBU group, two of whom are getting to know Jesus precisely in this way.
  • We thank God for this first month of meetings, for reading the second letter to Timothy and for being able to meet both in Church and in a café near the University.
  • We’re asking for prayer that all the young adults in our group would have a personal
    encounter with Jesus.
  • We’re praying that each young adult believer in the group would become more aware of their calling to bring the Gospel to the University.
  • We’re asking for prayer for the meetings and events happening over the next few months and to be able to be more present right inside the University, becoming an association.
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto
  • We thank God for having seen the power of his Word, being able to speak through it both to believers and non-believers.
  • We thank God for the opportunity we’ve had to share the Gospel through the meetups and events that we hosted in October. We thank God for the wisdom and enthusiasm that everyone showed.
  • We thank God for the friendships and the unity wrought within the group. Truly God has been in the midst of all our conversations, as we’ve seen a positive response to the Bible study series we’ve done so far.
  • We ask that we may continue to be receptive to His voice and His will, to understand what and how He would like to reveal Himself unto us. Wisdom in choosing the scriptures to study within the limited amount of time we have; that it may be in line with what He wants to communicate unto us.
  • For the organization of our winter camp in March, that we&#39;ll be guided by God in all the details and that many people from both our group and Urbino&#39;s will come along and be blessed by hearing about Jesus
  • A further strengthening of the networks, unity and friendships within the group
  • A wider reach toward the students at our university
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto
  • We thank God for our official listing among the Student Associations at Florence Univeristy of Studies, following our request. We had set this objective for three years ahead, but it was achieved much sooner, thanks to the Lord. We have a God who can do infinitely more than what we think!
  • We thank the Lord for having always brought new people to our weekly meetings, both believers and non-.
  • We thank God for our first event of the Autumn semester, the GBU Restart. These were two days full of studying, fellowship with believers, new friends and the presence of God’s Spirit.
  • We’re asking the Lord to help us with the difficulty of finding a time and place so that everyone can come along. We’re praying that God transform us into an ever-more united group, despite the practical difficulties.
  • Pray that those present at the events would also come to the Bible studies.
  • Pray that God would reawaken the hearts of the non-believers, especially those in the University of Florence.
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

We’d like to praise the Lord because although we’ve only just started up the Bible study again, we’re seeing as a group how interesting the book of Ecclesiates is. We’re also grateful for how welcoming the group has been to a new boy among us.

  • that we would reach other faculties, situated in other parts of the city.
  • for the upcoming events we’re planning to run.
  • for the outreach we’re arranging, that the Lord would touch the hearts of other non-believer students.