We continue to give thanks to God for how He provided when, humanly speaking, the outlook was very bleak. When we started out online last March, we had nothing to work with, yet God provided the support with His Word from brothers and sisters in Christ and a fresh, new participant. This year we’ve relived the very same experience; wanting to interrupt the online format, we no longer had a way to involve external help. However, wonderfully, God allowed an interested new student to come to Trento, and that was how we managed to start
up weekly meetings in person.
For now, three of us are meeting up (and God-willing, that will hopefully soon become four). Out of these, there’s a young chap in particular, who is still getting to know God, whose growth over the weeks has been far beyond what you could have humanly imagined. We’ve seen him speak of God’s truth with an open heart, full of the Holy Spirit.
We’ve also seen a beautiful atmosphere of collaboration with a current ministry in a local church working with international students. On many occasions God has used this network of contacts to bring new people into the various activities.
We are of course praying that God would speak to this young man’s heart as He chooses, urging him to get to know Him fully.
The group is still forming and of course starting up from nothing has its difficulties. We are increasingly aware of depending on God wholely for everything He’s wanting to do through the GBU.
We really would like to reach still more students at the University. Over the past weeks we have put up flyers on campus and we’re praying they would also be a means to spread the GBU voice and make ourselves known.
Over the next few weeks, we’d like to go into the Faculty to talk to the students we meet, share the Gospel and leave them invitations to the GBU meetings. Pray God would direct all aspects of this and bring people to Him in whatever way He chooses.
We’re praying God keep revealing to us more and more how fundamental humility is in serving Him. We really need to feel we will never get there and we mustn’t ever get stuck in a fixed routine, rather always keep our eyes fixed on who He is and what He is calling us to this day.